Sunday, January 27, 2008

Stop Junk Mail. Save Trees.

I started prepacking. Using the boxes from Fresh Direct to better understand the damage my shoes will have on my bank account when the time comes to ship them. I also canceled my Netflix subscription. Movies kept arriving in my mailbox dutifully and I kept feeling guilty for not having the time or the interest to watch them. Most often, they went back without even been taken out of their sleeve.

I also discovered Green Dimes. Every time I open my mailbox and find the latest Pottery Barn Kids or Crate & Barrel catalog, I make a mental note to call and cancel the subscription. Somehow that mental note never makes it past the threshold, joining the unwanted pile of junk mail in the recycling bin. By signing up with Green Dimes, I will finally get to save all the trees I've been meaning to save all those years. I marvel at the amazing mind of the ingenious entrepreneur that came up with the concept. "Only in America," I think to myself and feel a pinch of regret for deciding to leave this incredible country.

Then I realize that only in America junk mail would reach such epic proportions that you would need a paid service to stop the madness.

1 comment:

Sanjiv said...

Greetings from GreenDimes,

Thanks for signing up. We're glad to make your mailbox experience a better one.