Thursday, January 17, 2008

My Nanny Knows What She Wants -- Why Don't I?

I spent the entire morning at work returning phone calls about my nanny. The leads started trickling in on Monday, minutes after I posted for her on Craig's List and Urban Baby. She decided she's not even going to entertain the first two (a stay-at-home mom with three kids and a too-far commute to Queens) and has been patiently waiting for me to screen more calls for her. (Why am I doing this?!)

Here I am thinking I have to give her a two-month notice and be prepared to pay up if she can't find a job by the time we leave. I never imagined she would be so selective, have a clear idea of what she wants from her next job and not even interview for positions that she thinks are not right for her. She knows what she wants: another working mom with a newborn, another family she can grow with, a stable position where she's needed, indispensable, a flexible employer who won't mind her bringing her son in once in a while. She may or may not be worried about being unemployed for too long -- I can't tell. What's so impressive is that she won't let her worries compromise the job she wants to have.

That is exactly what I should have done all along -- chase the life I want to live, not the one I think I should.

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