Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Shredding My Way to Freedom

It was an uneventful weekend with lazy days spent mostly inside, sheltered from the extreme cold. It's weekends like this one when I really appreciate my best friend, her family, her kids, her humor and the fact that her place is a short elevator ride away. It's people I'll miss when I leave this all behind, not Woodbury Commons or Century 21 as some may expect.

I also went through countless boxes of files, hand-shredding old rent leases, credit card statements, useless immigration documents and hundreds and hundreds of receipts. I guess we ate out a lot over the last ten years and I obviously bought too many handbags. If we ever get audited, I'm telling the tax police that the receipts are somewhere on the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, lost during our move overseas. Does that count as Confession #2?

1 comment:

NiKa said...

I am seeing my future in your blog :) I wish I had some experience and sound advice to give you. I guess over time we turned into people who have two homes. Much better than feeling "homeless." I will keep reading and be there to support!