Saturday, June 21, 2008

Every Great Love Has a Story to Tell

We went car shopping today and test drove a Suzuki, an Opel and a Volvo. I couldn't have imagined that I would care about which car we might get this summer but I actually do. Later in the afternoon, the kid and the husband went to the pool while I enjoyed a writing session on the balcony. I'm finally venturing into fiction, a novel, complete with Microsoft Word manuscript templated formatting, inspired by Simone de Beauvoir's Memoirs of a Dutiful Daughter, which I started reading earlier today. I was hoping for an existential first chapter but so far, the words read like a romance novel. I'm desperately searching for a nom de plume as I cannot possibly publish this cold mush under my own.

After a page and a half, I'm now on my way to the hair salon downstairs to get a blow out.


Zeynep said...

Hee heee steamy hot novel by Hürrem, or Oxana something.

Unknown said...

Hi ladies! I love catching up with you all here. It seems we all fight the same demons in one form or another...

Sumi, my parents are headed to Oregon in August. Mom wants to know if you still have your orange Gap jacket and can she have it? Believe it or not, she still wears mine--holes and all! Email me with any Portland tips for them.

Magdalena said...

Good luck with the novel, Ahu! I am sure it is going to be great and can't wait to see it published one day. Btw did you get to read Kevin's masterpiece? :)