Thursday, August 7, 2008

From Birds Without Wings

"There comes a point in life where each one of us who survives begins to feel like a ghost that has forgotten to die at the right time, and certainly most of us were more amusing when we were young. It seems that age folds the heart in on itself. Some of us walk detached, dreaming on the past, and some of us realise that we have lost the trick of standing in the sun. For many of us the thought of the future is a cause for irritation rather than optimism, as if we have had enough of new things, and wish only for the long sleep that rounds the edges of our lives. I feel this weariness myself."

Well, I don't but this--"It seems that age folds the heart in on itself."-- is so beautifully written that I thought I'd share.

I just started reading Birds Without Wings by Louis de Bernieres. A major love affair is peaking its all-consuming head from behind the first page.

1 comment:

Zeynep said...

Whereas I am, these days, obsessed with The Killers' song, "All These Things That I"ve Done" - 'I'm so much older than I can take' really cramps my folded heart.